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Practice oriented interactive training for contractors, project leaders and non-financial leaders for more efficient decision-making and leadership.

Our excellent presentors conduct a 2 day long training. We recommend it for mid-level management and project leaders who would like to understand financial relations in HR, marketing, commerce, technological and operational areas.


  • Financial functions within the organization
  • How can we get to know an enterprise? What does a yearly report tell us about it? – The system of financial registry in Hungary
  • What does corporational wealth suggest? What wealth elements can a corporation have and who finances them? – The scale – the financial statement
  • Has the corporation been rearing profit or losses recently? – The result statement
  • Profit or money? Money and waste? How is this possible? – Public accountancy versus Cash Flow
  • Financial index and key financial indicators – only the most important ones
  • The basis of financial planning – the relations!
  • Is it worthy to invest? Which advice is the most favourable for the firm? – Fundation of investment decisions
  • Corporate evaluation rudiments

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