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Good cooperation leads to the achievement of targeted aims. Team responsibility, constructive managing of conflicts and adjusting values are indispensable within a team. We help a team to improve these skills.

A cooperative team has boundaries and success factors as well. We support teams in exploring these factors using tests, games and practices. These recognitions help teammates describing changes and their practical realization that empower cooperation.

Self-knowledge and getting to know each other helps teammates handle differences and recognize their values involved in their everyday work. With thorough knowledge the acknowledgement of coworkers’ values and professionalism grows. This makes it possible to grow the team’s harmonious cooperation and helps to choose the best worker for a task. Because of the current Covid pandemic there is a much larger need for getting to know each other  and social connecting. During trainings we support the team on the path of self-konwledge.

Building trust is a continous process within a team: an aspiration for a balance where teammates believe in the other’s good intention. This doesn’t mean a lack of conflicts but the creation of an atmosphere where coworkers dare to confront and call the other’s work to account in favor of team performance. We support teammates in mastering the key competencies that empower this procedure.

The importance of feedbacks has grown during online operations: both for criticism, and positive feedback. Teammates acquire communication competencies which can empower teamwork.

Knowing different kinds of networking types like personal, professional, strategic and social network helps teammates perform better and reach individual and team goals. This exciting training is about how networking propagates individuals, teams and organization inside and outside.

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