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One of the most important key competencies of the changing world is change management. Leaders who use this skill successfully help their colleagues adapt to change and work through changes more efficiently. We are your partners in making this knowledge real, providing practice oriented training.

Leaders and coworkers face challanges and situations that they are not able to handle.  These are siutauions that have never arised. We live in a constantly changing, complex and unpredictable world. This is why improving change management skills are important for leaders and workers too: understanding the process, meaning and possibilities of change.

During changes fears and resistance can arise, therefore transparent communication is critical from the leader within an organization. By improving assertive communication we also aid cooperation and self validation.

Workers aim to create the circumstances, skills and system of terms that perform well. If these circumstances change, performance becomes unstable and conflicts can arise in the face of change. Leaders have to handle these situations efficiently, because this requires a new kind of leadership, and different attitudes, cooperation from workers. Resistance should be attended to, possibilities and resistance must be identified and adequate mediation and conflict management techniques applied.

What kind of influence techniques do leaders apply during efficient change management? Which technique works the best in the given circumstances? How can an influencing situation be recognised? What is the difference between influence and manipulation?

What allows a leader to give a calm, prepared and self-confident presentation? Why are successful presenting skills so important in change management? What kinds of communication channels are the most efficient in change management?

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